Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Meeting

You where standing in the corner,
and I was on the floor,
and when I looked you over,
I couldn't help but stall.

You where standing there just watching,
and I was hoping that was me.
And though I kept on dancing,
over my shoulder I had to peek.

The night was almost over,
and it was to much to bare,
I went outside to cry,
and all of a sudden you where there.

I couldn't begin to explain,
that i was the one to blame,
for the heartbreak I was suffering,
and your face just added to the pain.

So I ran inside for cover,
taking each step at a time,
but when i reached the top,
I saw him and her intertwined.

It didn't help my outlook,
that I was all alone,
cause when I hit the last step,
your presence was unknown.

I sat there on the staircase,
and coudlnt help but cry,
I didnt know it then,
but you werent one to pry

I saw you not long after,
and there was something that had to be done,
I was taken to the white house,
and from the rooftop I saw you on.

It wasn't much long after,
that I stood there shy and pale,
but you knew what I was asking,
and took it off my hands.

Two years has come to pass now,
and not that much has changed.
Only now I can stand in front of you,
and make a cute exchange...
I know we are to young now.
.to talk about these things..
But to say the very least..
I love you just the same.

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