Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Fear due To The End Being Near

 If then end is coming,
Let it come soon.
I wanna be away from the sin,
thats goes on under the moon.
From the hate and the violence
and the goverment and the war,
I wanna feel peace
 and love and adored.
If He knocks on the door, then ready I will be.
Im not looking back, theres nothing left to see.
My hearts where it belongs
And I dont feel fear.
With God by my side
 theres nothing else here.
Three years ago
 I wanted to end my life
For ending another
 that could've brought me alive.
It was a darling baby who ill love forever more,
But at the time I was not ready
And that decision made me fall.
I wish nothing more than to take back the hurt and pain
That I may have caused others when I was young and vain.
Wish I would've put out the ciggarette
and put the bottle down,
But deep in my heart im not wearing a frown.
To my Father I asked forgivness and to give me another chance,
To make up for what Ive done and give me this one pass.
I love all others more than life itself,
If need be Ill be there even if its by myself.
I wish I couldve been further than what I am now,
But im glad to say that my family ive made proud.
Cause im a good person and my heart always comes first,
Forgiveness has been a given, and I feel no grudge or curse.
People please dont fret,
 if you've done something
Just make it rite, its not a lost cause.
Bad choices now could surely end your life,
Nothings worse than a grudge on your heart,
Let me tell you this, it will only make you cry.
Hates a horrible things, a body binding sin.
Whats easier than love?
Not a damn thing.
Trust is hard to come by, and this I already know,
And if you love someone then please,just let it show.
Its not hard to forgive whats already in the past,
Your not moving on if you keep on looking back.
Its holding you down
and very soon youll regret,
the time that you have missed
 and the days you cant get back.
So for now if the time is getting near,
Say your sorry and people,simply just forgive.
Do the rite thing and make your heart clean,
Because in good time things will clearly be seen.
Im not near perfect, and I still do things wrong,
But I ask for forgiveness, and learn from it all.
Lifes been great, every last second,
Its been lived and learned,
And taught me the bestest.
If someones down, Ill always help them up,
if theyre crying ill try, my best to cheer them up.
If I cant ill sit down and tell them about life
Its short and deserves to be lived in the light.
If your lonely come tell me, ill give you a friend
if your cold ill give you sun
and hungry ill give you bread.
This poems almost done, but ill say it once again.
Love all those around you, and be somebodys friend.

"It’s the unknown we fear when we look upon death and darkness, nothing more." -Albus Dumbledore

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